Imagine this scenario: you have created a specialized, medical presentation that’s full of squiggly, red, underlined words! These squiggly underlines indicate what PowerPoint considers to be as a misspelled word! Don’t blame PowerPoint, because its medical terminology is somewhat limited. We do know that almost all the words in your medical presentation are perfectly valid as far as spelling is concerned. The silver lining here though is that you can teach PowerPoint to spell those words, and enhance PowerPoint’s custom dictionary.
To learn more, choose your version of PowerPoint. If we do not have a tutorial for your version of PowerPoint, explore the version closest to the one you use.
Edit Custom Dictionaries in PowerPoint 365
Edit Custom Dictionaries in PowerPoint 2016
Edit Custom Dictionaries in PowerPoint 2013
Edit Custom Dictionaries in PowerPoint 2010
Edit Custom Dictionaries in PowerPoint 2011
Tutorial Code: 05 08 14
Previous: 05 08 13 Creating and Editing Custom Dictionaries in PowerPoint
Next: 05 08 15 Sharing Custom Dictionaries in PowerPoint
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Tagged as: 05-08, AutoCorrect, AutoCorrect Entries in PowerPoint, PowerPoint Tutorials, Spelling, Spelling AutoCorrect and Reference Tools
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