As you type, PowerPoint’s AutoCorrect feature automatically corrects common typos and spelling errors. How does PowerPoint know that a particular word is spelled wrong? Does it refer to some resource as a reference? Also, do you find some AutoCorrect options such as the capitalization of some words unnecessary? Several researchers working in different scientific fields need to use some words that cannot start with a capital letter, and the first thing they want to do is turn off this automatic capitalization.
To learn more, choose your version of PowerPoint. If we do not have a tutorial for your version of PowerPoint, explore the version closest to the one you use.
AutoCorrect Options in PowerPoint 365
AutoCorrect Options in PowerPoint 2016
AutoCorrect Options in PowerPoint 2013
AutoCorrect Options in PowerPoint 2010
AutoCorrect Options in PowerPoint 2011
Tutorial Code: 05 08 06
Previous: 05 08 05 AutoCorrect in PowerPoint
Next: 05 08 07 Creating and Editing AutoCorrect Entries in PowerPoint
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