Emphasis animation effects determine how the slide object calls attention to itself while it is on-the-slide. Entrance and Exit effect animations allow a slide object to enter or exit the Slide Area, whereas slide objects with Emphasis Effect animations are already there on the slide area before they start animating, and will be there even after they have finished animating.
To learn more, choose your version of PowerPoint. If we do not have a tutorial for your version of PowerPoint, explore the version closest to the one you use.
Emphasis Animations in PowerPoint 2016
Emphasis Animations in PowerPoint 2013
Emphasis Animations in PowerPoint 2010
Emphasis Animations in PowerPoint 2002, 2003, and 2007
Emphasis Animations in PowerPoint 2011
Tutorial Code: 13 01 06
Previous: 13 01 05 Entrance Animations in PowerPoint
Next: 13 01 07 Exit Animations in PowerPoint
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