Carmen Simon is a cognitive neuroscientist, author, and founder of Memzy, a company that uses brain science to help corporations create memorable messages. Carmen’s most recent book, “Impossible to Ignore: Create Memorable Content to Influence Decisions,” has won the acclaim of publications such as, Forbes, and Fast Company and has been selected as one of the top international books on persuasion. Carmen holds two doctorates, one in instructional technology and another in cognitive psychology. Carmen speaks frequently to corporate, academic, and government audiences on the importance of using brain science to craft communication that is not only memorable but sparks action.
Here’s a list of links on where she has been featured:
Presentation Management 23: Short and Memorable Presentations
May 12, 2021
Presentation Summit 2017: Conversation with Carmen Simon
September 11, 2017
Presentation Summit 2016: Conversation with Carmen Simon
September 12, 2016
Create Memorable Content: Conversation with Carmen Simon
May 17, 2016
Impossible to Ignore: Conversation with Carmen Simon
May 13, 2016
Carmen Simon at the Presentation Summit 2015
October 21, 2015
Remembering Your Slides: Conversation with Carmen Simon
June 9, 2014
Remembering Slides: Conversation with Carmen Simon
December 11, 2013
Counterintuitive Research Findings
March 6, 2013
Carmen Simon at the Presentation Summit 2012
October 11, 2012
Remember Slides Seen 2 Days Ago?
September 20, 2012
Carmen Simon at the Presentation Summit 2011
September 21, 2011
An Interview with Carmen Simon
December 05, 2009
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