Spelling, AutoCorrect, and Reference Tools: Saving and Sharing AutoCorrect Entries in PowerPoint

Created: Thursday, November 11, 2021, posted by at 2:31 pm

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We’ve looked at AutoCorrect and how all options you set are not only available within PowerPoint, but also in other Office programs that use AutoCorrect such as Word, Excel, and Outlook. Over a while, your custom AutoCorrect entries will become a huge asset. You’ll be used to typing some characters that will automatically show up as a word or a phrase, and everything would seem awesome until your computer crashes, or if you want to move to a new computer system.

To learn more, choose your version of PowerPoint. If we do not have a tutorial for your version of PowerPoint, explore the version closest to the one you use.

Microsoft Windows

Saving and Sharing AutoCorrect Entries in PowerPoint 365

Saving and Sharing AutoCorrect Entries in PowerPoint

Tutorial Code: 05 08 08
Previous: 05 08 07 Creating and Editing AutoCorrect Entries in PowerPoint
Next: 05 08 09 Exporting and Importing AutoCorrect Entries

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