Every shape in PowerPoint is created using both points and segments. Points, also known as vertexes are pronounced areas of a shape, and segments are straight or curved lines that connect these points. It is easy to understand the relationship between points and segments using a connect-the-dots analogy. The points represent the dots whereas the segments represent the lines you draw between the dots.
To learn more, choose your version of PowerPoint. If we do not have a tutorial for your version of PowerPoint, explore the version closest to the one you use.
Types of Points (Vertexes) for Shapes in PowerPoint 2016
Types of Points (Vertexes) for Shapes in PowerPoint 2013
Types of Points (Vertexes) for Shapes in PowerPoint 2010
Types of Points (Vertexes) for Shapes in PowerPoint 2003
Types of Points (Vertexes) for Shapes in PowerPoint 2011
Tutorial Code: 06 14 03
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