After inserting an organization chart (org chart) in PowerPoint, you might need to add more shapes to your org chart. The default org chart that PowerPoint places has a few shapes. However, you might want to add more shapes, as well as newer hierarchy levels for the new shapes you add.
To learn more, choose your version of PowerPoint. If we do not have a tutorial for your version of PowerPoint, explore the version closest to the one you use.
Adding New Shapes to Existing Organization Charts in PowerPoint 2013
Adding New Shapes to Existing Organization Charts in PowerPoint 2010
Adding New Shapes to Existing Organization Charts in PowerPoint 2011
Tutorial Code: 11 04 02
Previous: 11 04 01 Insert an Organization Chart
Next: 11 04 03 Change Layout of Organization Chart
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Tagged as: 11-04, Organization Charts, PowerPoint Tutorials, SmartArt Graphics
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