This tutorial is about moving text boxes rather than text placeholders. Typically text placeholders for regular text content or even slide titles are located in the same position on successive slides – so if you really do need to move a text placeholder, do it within the Slide Master so that this change of position happens on all slides, providing a consistent look to your presentation. This will also prevent you from repeatedly moving the placeholders on each and every slide on your presentation. Now that you are more aware of why you should not move text placeholders, let us explore some techniques to move both text placeholders and text boxes!
To learn more, choose your version of PowerPoint. If we do not have a tutorial for your version of PowerPoint, explore the version closest to the one you use.
Move Text Boxes on a Slide in PowerPoint 2016
Move Text Boxes on a Slide in PowerPoint 2013
Move Text Boxes on a Slide in PowerPoint 2010
Move Text Boxes on a Slide in PowerPoint 2016
Move Text Boxes on a Slide in PowerPoint 2011
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Tagged as: PowerPoint Tutorials, Text and Fonts, Text Formatting
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