While PowerPoint lets you attach a connector to any slide object, these connectors can only be attached to wherever you see an anchor point on the slide object. The good news is that you can add new anchor points for shapes and text boxes. For text placeholders though, you cannot add new anchor points. If you need more anchor points for pictures, it is suggested that you use any shape as a container for a picture fill, and add anchor points as required for the container shape. We have now established that you can add new anchor points for shapes (and text boxes) so that your connectors can be linked to exactly where you want them to be!
To learn more, choose your version of PowerPoint. If we do not have a tutorial for your version of PowerPoint, explore the version closest to the one you use.
Creating Anchor Points for Connectors in PowerPoint 2013
Creating Anchor Points for Connectors in PowerPoint 2010
Creating Anchor Points for Connectors in PowerPoint 2011
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Tagged as: Connectors, PowerPoint Tutorials, Shapes
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