Kathy Jacobs professional time is spent writing, supporting her site, and answering PowerPoint and other questions. The rest of the time goes into email, Girl Scouts, and outdoor cooking (especially using Dutch Ovens). She has a husband who is also a computer nerd and outdoor cook.
Here’s a list of links on Indezine.com where she has been featured:
Getting Ready To Present
June 2, 2007
Kathy’s Vitamin CH Blog
December 4, 2006
Keeping the Power in Your PowerPoint
December 8, 2004
A Quiz Question: Custom Show Answers
September 5, 2004
An Interview with Kathy Jacobs
May 24, 2004
AutoShapes: Shaping Up Your Presentations
April 07, 2004
Observations on Unblocking Creativity by Kathy Jacobs
March 04, 2001
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